Friday, August 12, 2011

Peanut Butter Pie....

I read a post today on one of the Bloggers' I follow...

The post is at

It's about a wife who's husband died suddenly of a heart attack..

You can hear her grief as she writes, and I couldn't help starting to cry as I read it. Sudden death impacts your life in a way that makes you different..You aren't ever the same again. I think the main way I am different since Keith died is that I look at people and life in a way that makes me always think to never take the moments for granted. I know you are supposed to live life this way anyways, but its so easy for me to forget..I still forget...At any rate, as you read in the blog's above the blogger suggests making a Peanut Butter Pie and sharing it with those you love. I can't make a Peanut Butter Pie tonight but i'm going to spend some extra time with Hannah and mom tonight because the boys are gone.

We are going homemade body scrub tonight...Coffee sugar scrub...So maybe tonight you can go spend some extra time with the poeople you love tonight...Make sure to tell them you love them and appreciate them..Because you never know when they'll be gone and you won't be able to say those words to them anymore...

Love you mom and Hannah :)

Oh, and maybe make some Peanut Butter Pie from Pioneer Woman