Sunday, April 17, 2011

75 pounds of potatoes, Lobster, and Cheesecake

Yesterday was a crazy Saturday. This is why the title of my blog only contains food items.

I and the beautiful Sarah Finch got to peel and chop for potato salad 75 pounds of potatoes yesterday. It was almost the worst experience of my life a maturing experience. Unfortunately there is no photographic evidence of what we did because,

1. I didn't think you wanted to stare at pruned fingers
2. I didn't have a camera
3. I didn't have a camera

I also got to go to an amazing restaurant yesterday to make up for the experience. Due to a wonderful coupon I got to have Lobster. :D I gracefully got to wolf eat it in a very ladylike fashion, according to my boyfriends amusement, i'm sure. I think that was about all that happened yesterday that i wish to have evidence of on the internet.

Today is Sunday and it was wonderful being at church this morning. I had the privilege of praising the Lord by watching around 10 people being baptized. It almost brought me to tears seeing what the Lord was starting to do in the lives of people that ranged from the age young (4-5) to older (maybe 40's?)It's been awhile since i've been able to see people being baptized and I really can't say how much it blessed my heart.

Then I went over to the Caballero's and made Coconut Almond Cheesecake :D I would have a picture of that but by the time i thought about taking a was already in the oven, and I have no desire for that piece of beauty to "fall." So for the sake of me, and others that will partake of its goodness there is no picture....

For You. :D

My only piece of advice to you now is to hurry into the kitchen and make yourself an amazing cheesecake that when you eat will give you a glimpse of what heaven will be like....

I shall leave you on that note :)

Please enjoy your Sunday!

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