SATURDAY!!!! The day we were finally leaving and oh boy was I sad! Leann and I got up at six o’clock again to get ready together the last time till Christmas together!!! I was pretty bummed…We had decided the day before that all of us were going to meet at breakfast together, so we would be able to say g’bye to everyone. We all met to eat breakfast, but I didn’t really eat anything because I couldn’t stomach there food at 5.00 in the morning for Washington time even though it was 7.00 there. We finished breakfast then some of the kids had to leave to go to class, which left only a few people that weren’t supposed to leave that day with that kids that were supposed too. Everyone had a blast in those last few moments before we had to go pack up our luggage to go meet the bus at 9.45, chatting, playing around with each other till we recognized the time, and all of us girls headed to the dorms and the guys went to their dorms. Annie and I sat down actually at the dining common the day before actually because we were so tired and we didn’t visit a society because it was picture day for everyone. We sat there in the dining common and did small talk it was hilarious what we talked about but I cant talk about it on here….=| We were both so tired wow we were just crazy I think lol.
Leann and I went up to our room, and I finished packing then hauled all my luggage down to the first floor then wheeled them outside where the bus was parked. Some of the guys took my luggage, and that way I didn’t have to worry about it, and soon it was just Leann, Annie R, Davie M, David U, Neil, and I am not sure if Zach was there I don’t think he was. Annie and I were saying goodbye to Leann and I was hugging Neil goodbye when Annie and Leann started crying. I resolved I wasn’t going to cry till later, but alas my resolve was much weakened and I started crying with them, and David Ubben comes along and starts mocking Annie and she walks up to him and goes “SHUT UP DAVID UBBEN AND BE A GENTLEMAN!!!!” Which was hilarious! I wasn’t the only one ticked off and David that morning!!!!!!
We finally loaded up onto the bus, but Leann, Annie, and I were still crying, but when we got on the bus it got even worse. Annie chose the front seat to sit in, AND I HAVE NO CLUE WHY?!?!?! But anyways, we’re sitting there in the FRONT seat, and bawling our heads off, then the bus starts to pull out, and we looked at Leann as she just burst into tears when she waved goodbye, and me and Annie just followed suit. Wow 2 sobbing girls in the front seat…It was bad…! When we finally got a hold of ourselves which took a few moments!! We only had an occasional tear running down our cheek, but we hadn’t started talking yet because I knew if I tried to start talking I would cry again, which was something I didn’t want at the moment!!! Mr. Russell decides he needs to do roll call so he goes “Ariell Eneix?” and I go to answer and just burst into TEARS!!! Which he replies to “Yup she’s here!” and the whole bus starts laughing, which makes me start laughing so I am crying and laughing at the same time and am a HORRIBLE mess! Wow it was really sad! That day I could cry at the drop of a hat! It was really sad…I missed Leann and Neil alot… And we hadn’t even gotten to the airport yet!
We finally got to the airport and checked in, and got our tickets! I held my tickets, and didn’t lose them it was awesome! We needed to check in then go through security before 12.00pm which gave us around an hour and fifteen minutes to do nothing! Awesome! During that time I hung around with different kids in the group, went outside to look at the fountains, took pictures, threw pennies in the pool thingy and did other things. Then we needed to check in to customs and security and we went through that without a hitch EXCEPT I couldn’t find my ID….Bad….Bad, bad thing. I ended up searching through my bag billions of times and I couldn’t find it BUT thankfully around the quadrillionth time I found it!!!!!!!!! I WAS VERY HAPPY!!! Same with Mr. Russell I don’t know how many close heart attacks he almost had on the trip…..But I didn’t really want to ask him either…..
All of us had awhile, before we had to get on the plane so I pulled out my cards, and we tried to play Egyptian war. We took 4ever on the game it was crazy! David Ubben and I were been rude to each other and totlaly not getting along! Then during the whole game everyone kept on giving there cards to the people who were out and WOW it was crazy! But that’s ok we all had a lot of fun.
Melissa came up though and told us our plane was delayed and we weren’t going to be leaving instead at one thirty. Instead we wouldn’t leave till two fifteen which meant that we might miss out flight in Chicago because it was a forty minute delay which would have meant we would have been able to spend the night at the HILTON HOTEL YAY!!! But unfortunately we made it to the airport on time and didn’t have to worry about the hotel but that’s ok. Annie, David Ubben, Zach, Davie Mullins, Liz, Amy and I went to Wolfgang puck again for lunch then went and explored the airport, and found this really cool tunnel thing that had escalators that went straight instead of been stairs, and there were lights, with all this really cool stuff! It was great I really enjoyed it! Everybody else did too! Annie, Liz and I had a fun time just talking and playing around on them. While having Annie with me at BJU was a blast though we had a lot of fun hanging around when others weren’t present!
I wanted to show Annie some lotion though that was in my back pack that Davie was carrying he was being a gentleman again but I made sure I had his jacket so that way if anything happened to my backpack he wasn’t going to get his jacket back just in case if he was thinking about revenge involving the t-shirt. I brought out the lotion and showed it to Annie and she goes to show it to Davie and tells him to smell it so he does and just as he puts his face down she stuck his nose into the lotion and he got it allll over his face WOW he didn’t appreciate that very much at all so he went to the bathroom and washed it off and stuff but wow was it hilarious!
GRRR I got so mad at Davie earlier though there was this calculator that looked like a makeup compact I had seen at Clairs awhile back and I was telling Zach and Davie what was in it; blush, eye shadow, etc and Davie goes “WHOAH Ariell me and Zach don’t need to know the different types of makeup girls may have!” Which I went “you never know what if you end up marrying a wife who want you to buy her makeup for Christmas whatcha going to do then I wouldn’t mind if my husband knew makeup so he could buy me it for Christmas.” Then Davie goes “ohhh ok I had better tell David Ubben what his duties are before you and him get married so that way he knows what’s expected of him!” I felt like chasing him around the airport grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr that was soooo annoying! After it wasn’t supposed to be David Ubben and I it was David Ubben and Annie Robbins! This elderly gentleman came up to them after one of the flights because they were sitting together cozily in the seats and this guy goes “You both are such a cute couple I hope it lasts forever between you to!” Annie looked sooooo red it was hilarious and David just looked Stunned Oh my word it was sooo worth it to be there wow! I teased Annie about that so much that week and I still do! Lol! It was a definite Kodak moment! Too bad I missed it…
After that we needed to go on the plane for a four hour ride to Washington. The plane was HUGE it was awesome you had LEG room it was GREAT I loved it! We saw the movie batman begins with Christian bale which was pretty awesome he is very good looking to bad he doesn’t have character to match it…..We had a beautiful view on the way back and since we were so high up the outside of the plane froze which made the cabin really cool and perfect it was awesome! I ended up sitting next to Amy and I had a lot of fun talking with her about music and different stuff that she enjoys doing. I was also able to get to know a guy named Micah who lived in Everett which was really cool he seemed like and interesting guy. The one drawback though was the guy who was sitting next to me drank to much for the flight and got drunk and he was sitting next to me! That was pretty sad! Our flight ended and we were in Washington and I really wished we were in SC still I missed Leann and Neil so much!
We got to the baggage claim and got our baggage but I was still missing a piece of mine so I couldn’t leave yet and we were taking Annie and Davie home and while we waited we said goodbye and traded email address’s and promised each other we would email each other as soon as possible. I finally found my one piece of luggage that I was missing and it was lined up over away from the claim and had probably been there awhile so I went and got It but I forgot that Annie checked it in for me and it was on her ID not mine.
A guy comes up to me and you can see he works with the airplane agency and he asks for my ID and my first thought is NOOOO This Guy Has GOT to be kidding!!! But nope he wasn’t so I didn’t know where it was I didn’t think I would need it again after what happened in Chicago so I had just thrown it somewhere in my bad and forgotten about it. Well I couldn’t find it so I ended up dumping it all out and fishing for my ID. Mr. Russell is getting quite entertained with all of this too he is laughing a little bit then takes out his digital camera and starts taking pictures of me and he said that it will go on the one sight where the BJU pictures get to go!1 JOYOUS!! Everybody gets to see what I get to go through that day. I finally located my ID give it to the dude and he tells me this isn’t correct ma’m so I just groaned and he said this is for Annie Robbins and Annie goes “OH!’ ok here you go! So she gives it to him and we get the luggage and I am kicking myself allll the back to the parking lot! We loaded into the suburban and told my parents all about what happened and teased each other and had a great time then finally got home and crashed on my bed and slept really hard! That’s my BJU story!
Love you all hope to hear some kind of reply!!