Friday, October 07, 2005

Arthur W. PINK!!!

Hey you all! Well today was an interesting day. It didnt start out to well i slammed my fingers in the door then as i turned around i hit my foot really hard on the doorway and wow yah blonde moment majorally it realllllly hurt too. so anyways my day started out a little weird. I am almost finished with packing for my BJU trip and that is exiting the only problem is i have enough homework to drown a horse. But thats ok i will get through it i just will proboly have no social life for....The rest OF my its not that bad but anyways....I was reading this Biblical book by a guy named Arthur W. Pink and it was quite awesome so i am going to put it on here
"The grace of God is proclaimed in the Gospel, which is to the self-rightious jew a "stumbling block" and to the conceited and philisopholizing Greek "foolishness". Why so? Because there is nothing whatever in it that is adapted to gratify the pride of man. It announced that unless we are saved by Grace we cannot be saved at all. It declared that apart from Christ the unspeakable Gift of God's Grace, the state of every man is desperate, irremediable, and hopeless. The gospel addresses men as guilty condemmed, perishing,criminals. It declares that the zelous proffesor with all his religious performances is no better than the most profane infidel.
The gospol comtemplates every descendant of adam as a fallen poluted hell deserving and helpless sinner the Grace which the gospol publishes is his only hope all stand before God convicted as trangressors of his hgoly law as guillt condemmed criminals awaiting not sentence but the exucution of sentence already passed them on."
Wow i thought that was amazing it has some hige words that i needed to look up in the dictionary but thats ok. Tomorrow i have Greek and a wedding i have to go to then more school!! yay!! but anyways hope to hear your comments! bye!

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