Monday, October 24, 2005

BJU trip day 2 and 3

Well as I said before this that night me and Leann stayed up and talked till 1.30 in the morning which was awesome! We caught up on everything that we hadn’t talked about since she left because we were too busy or something to that effect. :D We had to get up at 6.00 in the morning so right when our cell phone/alarm clock rang we were both up really quickly because we weren’t supposed to wake up her roommates yet because they didn’t want to get up that early! We took our showers and went back into our room and Paige (Leann’s awesome roommate) Gets up and groans and starts saying “oh my word you guys just don’t shut up do you????” “First you talk till the ungodly hour of 1.30 in the morning and you never shut up then SIX o’clock in the morning comes around and yak, yak ,yak, yak WOW!!!” So anyways I guess Paige didn’t really appreciate me and Leann’s talking abilities lol.Paige was awesome though!
We went then to breakfast with a group of Leann’s friends and some of mine that had gone on the trip, and we went into the dining common and I had a bite of cereal for breakfast because we were supposed to meet our BIG Washington group later again for breakfast so me and Annie didn’t eat very much. Not very much happened at that time except I just met more people and got more confused with names and tried to understand why college food was so gross looking and probably gross tasting too. I think I lived on salad my whole time there which was gross I don’t know what BJU does there to your salad but its gross. If you want breakfast at BJU or lunch get Grab and Go. That stuff is usually A LOT better! But anyways we met our group from Washington, Florida, and I think there were some kids from Georgia which was awesome! Then everybody else went through grab and go and me and a few other kids just talked to our admissions counselor and watched everybody else eat.
Right after breakfast we all went to the dating parlor We found our counselor again and had a tour of the BJU campus which was AWESOME!! I wish some kids from Grace would have come it was awesome I had so much fun! After we had the tour of the campus we had to go to chapel where in front of like 7 billion people(jk it wasn’t that many) We had to stand up when everybody else was sitting down and they announced where we were from so that was mortifying but that’s ok….Sort of… :/ Then after chapel we had lunch then after lunch I went on a tour of Home linc I GOT TO MEET MR HARMON!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGG AWESOME!! Anyways he was my science teacher last year he is awesome! Or maybe I did that the next day wait I did that the next day I cant remember what I did that day lol anyways well we did a lot of stuff that day.
When I went to bed I was dead tired then the next day didn’t get up till 9.40. I totally missed breakfast which was ok, then all day hung around with Annie, Leann, Neil, David Ubben, Zach, and Davie Mullins. Anyways me and serge (my admissions counselor) with the rest of my group met at the snackshop that day to talk and brief over what had happened and stuff and he paid for all of the kids in his group to get free milkshakes which was great. Then a group of us went to the Art Gallery there and it was amazing I loved it! I don’t know how many of you all know this but BJU has the 2nd largest collection of paintings in the USA and wow they are amazing! Neil told us all the stuff that went along with the pictures and everyone that went had a great time it was awesome.
Then after that we went and met at dinner and then went to the soccer games and that was a lot of fun. I met this awesome girl named Brook from Florida and I found out she had never seen snow or mountains!!!!!!!!!! All of us Washingtonians were SHOCKED!!! It was amazing I had never known that some people had never seen mountains or something like that but anyways I was able to get her email and all that stuff and I am going to email her sometime when I am able to.
We all got in cars though to go off campus and I got stuck in the car with GUESS WHO……..DAVID UBBEN!!!!!!!!!! Out of 18 people I got stuck sitting next to him!!! But my brother Neil was driving and JJ was next to him so that was ok. I MESSED UP DAVIDS HAIR!!! HE WAS FURIOUS but haha it was awesome sooooo worth it. It ticked him soooooo bad because he still had to go in public that night lol. We planned on going to the river front but weren’t able too because there was a country thing going on and nobody could make it through to find a parking spot so that was annoying. We ended up going to a store grabbing ice cream bars and eating them in the parking lot and having a blast talking and taking pictures. We had to go back after a short time though because we had spent so much time looking for a parking spot that we were able to spend much time there but that was ok.
After that I got to my dorm and Davie Mullins called Leann but she was in prayer group so I answered and he couldn’t find Neil and stuff so he was wondering the last place where I saw him because he needed to go pick up Pastor Frank who was off campus at his work place and he couldn’t find him so I had to go on this wild goose chase on the BJU campus at lights out at about 11.30 at night and it turned out Neil was in prayer group and that’s why they couldn’t find him so I didn’t even need to go around the campus that late at night :D ….sad….sad….very sad… but anyways the night before was pretty funny also though because it was a game night. We played dodge ball and this milk jug game sorta like ultimate Frisbee but had nothing to do with a Frisbee so yah anyways. After it ended though me, Annie, David U, Davie M, Zach, and Brook we wandered around the campus just doing crazy stuff and walking around and talking which was great then the guys decided they wanted to go run around the campus. That night was my last night with Leann though so I was reallllly going to miss her and we stayed up late talking and got up really early the next morning which I will tell you about later bbye!!!!

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