How do girls have emotional purity?
Sooooooo many people ask that question! I have asked that question many times…. I have struggled with the concept a lot too. How do we define emotional purity? I think a lot of us girls wish that we could say some magical word and then we be able to be in control of our emotions and figure out what all we need to do but alas…….It isn’t that easy unfortunately. As I am finding out now that emotional purity is very hard and not an easy concept to grasp…. I have been exsperimenting on some steps that help me to have emotional purity and I have found this one is the most effective. I have noticed the first step in the process of emotional purity is to STOP thinking about guys ….Yup that’s pretty much the first thing we have to do… Now I know your probably thinking WHAT!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!? STOP THINKING ABOUT GUYS!!?!?!?! THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!!!! I mean I might as well STOP BREATHING IF I have to STOP thinking about that cutie who’s really hot and who I have had a crush on for the past 12 days 17 hours and 42 second, or maybe your one of the girls who likes going long term and is able to say 2 years 3 weeks 5 days 17 hours 2 minutes and 27 seconds!!!!!! :D yah I am exaggerating a little bit but that’s ok. Or are you one of those girls who has this figured out already and knows everything that you need to do, BUT hasn’t taken the step to doing it. Or you’re doing it right now and either breezing through it on top of the world. But then if you’re like me your sitting here trying to figure out this seemingly weird thing that seems like it SHOULD be able to grasp it but your not doing it. AND IT’S SO FRUSTRATING AT TIMES YOU WANT TO JUST BLOW UP!!! But blowing up doesn’t really help I have learned either lol.
You know girls I don’t mean to me rude to anybody but I honestly don’t know how some girls can have a new crush every week because that means that you don’t care anything about your heart and keeping it for your husband. If your one of those girls who is like that please don’t be offended with what I am saying but it honestly doesn’t make sense. Is that Love you have for the other guy? Is that true emotional purity? I really don’t think it is. Please don’t think it’s something to not care about either. When we make the choice to give little pieces of our heart to some “hottie” that comes along that really isn’t right. We shouldn’t be doing that. It’s ok to admire but theirs a fine line between admiring and liking/lusting.
The reason why I am writing this is for encouragement for all the girls out there who have been able to conquer this area in there life that they struggle with or the girl who hasn’t gotten it figured out. One thing that has also helped so much is putting the Lord number ONE on our list of who we care for, and love with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. I have struggled with emotional purity so much in the past few years, and I know how you all feel you think well…..IF he just LIKED me I would feel better or I am so ugly I am never going to get a guy to like me… No one is every going to love me for who I am and I don’t have the body to be liked or something else that you think. But just to let you know if you feel that way getting a guy won’t fix that. I promise you! Well maybe if your in college and your about to get married that’s an exception but high school and JH uhhhhh don’t think it’ll happen…. Nope I am sorry but its probably not going to last. :/ Especially if your relationship isn’t Gods will! If it isn’t then it’s as hopeless as anything. Girls you are beautiful though don’t ever think you aren’t. God has personally created you in his image you are very beautiful.
What Esther Martin said when she was telling us about emotional purity was so on track!! Why are we wasting time on something that isn’t even Gods will??? We should be sitting down and concentrating on living our life to glorify the one who created us! Why should it be so hard just to love the Lord with all of our heart when it’s so easy to fall in “love” here on this earth. I heard a youth pastor preach a little story awhile back that touched my heart. It isn’t about emotional purity well, I guess in a way it is but its about how serious we are about Christ and it goes like this,
“There was a father who brought his son to work with him one day because he had promised his son to do that for awhile. This father worked at one of the bridges in his area. He moved the bridges around by the levers so trains or boats could go by. During the day though he was concentrating on something else and his little son wandered off and on a accident got stuck in the huge gears and was crying out to his father “help daddy help this hurts!!” and suddenly his father realized a huge train was coming and the bridge wasn’t closed. In that moment he didn’t know what to do it was either crush his son by the gears and not drown and kill hundreds of people on this train….Or let his son die for those people on the train. He had to make the choice and it was one of the hardest decisions he would ever make in his life. He finally pulled the lever to turn the bridge back for the train and as the train went across he heard his son screaming “DADDY!!!!” Then there was silence…. As the train went by he saw people inside of it drinking, dancing, eating, doing whatever they wanted to do and not realizing that one mans only son was being killed for them because they didn’t care. The Father just sat there and with tears said “Why don’t they understand!! How can they go on with there lives and Not Care that my son is being crushed and killed to save there lives….
When I heard that that touched my heart so much. Why can’t we give our whole life to Jesus Christ?? Why is this world so much more enjoying to be in and to delight in? It appeals so much to our flesh and we enjoy it. This is one issue that we all need so much to pray about and read Gods work in I hope you will take into consideration on what I have said. I hope to hear your thoughts on this please pray for me for I am struggling very much with this issue myself. I will continue this blog after awhile so ttyl hopefully!
Always in prayer for you
1 comment:
Wait for the guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat...wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks your just as pretty without makeup on. Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says "that's her".
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