I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.- Audrey Hepburn
Monday, December 04, 2006
what a teenager is...
Ahhh....whats better than Pride and Prejudice! I love that movie but anyways!!! My parents are coming home tonight from South Carolina! Which is exiting! My family will be home again and i will have no personal privacy ;) jk this week is going to be totally crazy!!! This last weekend was soo stinkin busy and i was so tired it was not fun so i hope im not getting sick. I got this awesome email the other day that i thought i would put on here so here it is!
A Teenager Is...
...someone who can't remember to walk the dog each day but
never forgets a phone number he heard once.
...a weight watcher who goes on a diet by giving up candy
bars before breakfast.
...someone who receives her allowance on Monday, spends it
on Tuesday, and borrows it from her best friend on
...someone who can pick out the voice of a friend from three
blocks away, but can't hear his mother calling from the next
...a computer whiz who can operate any new gadget within
seconds but can't make the bed.
...a connoisseur of two types of fine music: loud and very
...a person who can bike for miles but is usually too tired
to help with the dishes.
...a romantic who never falls in love more than twice a
...your own reality show but with fewer commercials.
...painfully funny at many times. At other times a teenager
is just painful.
...someone who will pitch in and help clean every room in
the house, as long as it's the neighbor's house.
Lol i thought these were pretty awesome hope you guys enjoyed this well, ill write more later!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
wow goodness...life...
Goodness my life has not stoppped....Banquet finally happened!!!!!!!!! which was AWESOME!!! I hope everyone there enjoyed the night! Snow has happened recently which is awesome..And im going to get carpo tunnel from all the typing ive done today goodness my hands are going to start cramping...So if this isnt too extremely long its because my hands are about to fall off...I've loved having these few days off of school!!! Yesterday i went over to the O'Hagens house for a couple hours and got white washed enough to last a lifetime ;) But thats ok because whoever got me i got back=]It was alot of fun though. My parents are leaving tonight for South Carolina and will be back on Monday..ANd our first basketball game is happening tomorrow! Im not playing in it though because i dont have enough practices! but it might be canceled depending on how the weather is tomorrow..Well, im tired and i g2g so ill write more later bbye!!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Darwinism and Feminism In the World Today
Hey you guys this is my research paper! Sorry about the weird way it pasted ill try to fix it later!
Darwinism and Feminism In the World Today
Most of today’s society honestly does not know how much Darwin and his
evolutionist views of women have created many feministic views in the world. Often in
today’s society these subjects are not even recognized as having a connection. Feminine
inferiority is never talked about as a real product of evolutionary belief. In the media a
person will see wives or girlfriends reacting to this by degrading men or taking over leadership in the home. A study of Darwin’s beliefs and theories about
women reveal that in every aspect his conclusions are degrading, and Biblically unsound.
There are many overall facts about Darwin’s life that contributed to his view of
women. Restricting women’s education was a strong belief among the men in the
Darwin-Wedgewood family (Desmond 252). Growing up, he, his mother, and siblings
were Unitarians (Desmond 261). The existence of hell, or a person possessing a soul was
not something he believed at all. Yet, he did believe in the existence of God (Desmond
271). Darwin’s view on religious matters were shaped by blaming God for his mothers
death when he was young, and his daughters death when she was ten years old (Bergman
8). On January 29th, 1839 he married his first cousin, Emma Wedgewood. Darwin’s wife
was raised in an Anglican background which was the opposite of his beliefs (Desmond
256). Emma seemed to be a Christian and believed in the literal creation account. Emma
found her strength and comfort in God and the Scriptures when her closest sister died.
Emma appealed to Darwin in a letter asking him to read chapters thirteen through twenty-
one in the book of John, because she felt that her religion did not really matter to him
(Desmond 270). Later on, because of his strenuous studies, Darwin often became sick
and Emma was left to care for him. She committed to love Charles by ministering to his
daily needs, and praying for him. Emma served him for the rest of his life loving him yet
they never ultimately came to an agreement on the reality of eternal life (Desmond 361).
Darwin did not respect Gods sovereignty, or His Word. These views contributed his low
opinion of women.
Many of Darwin’s statements reveal his attitudes toward women. Darwin believed
the physical and mental abilities of men were more competent than women (Darwin 306).
He reasoned this because he observed that the female brain was smaller than the male
brain (Bergman 4). Darwin believed that the size of the brain depended on the size of the
body. Since males generally are larger than women, the male’s brain therefore, would
have stronger mental capacities (Bergman 4). Darwin viewed wives incapable of being an
intellectual partner. Keeping him company when there was no other work to do or
providing him pleasure was her role (Bergman 2). Before Darwin married, he made a
statement saying, that he would not enjoy being married because then he would be
obligated to go walking with his wife, which he saw as a waste of time since it would
distract him from other important matters. Darwin believed that having a wife was to
possess something a little better than a dog (Desmond 257). A woman’s purpose to
Darwin was to subordinate to men from the premise of their inferiority.
The Bible has an entirely different view of women! In the Bible, “Christ is the
head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ”
(1 Corinthians 11:3). The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ serves as a paradigm for giving
women dignity and honor, demonstrating subordination from that platform. For example,
Christ came to earth, became a man and was willing to submit to his heavenly Father in
order to redeem mankind (MacArthur 253). Even when Christ came to earth in the form
of a man, He was equal in nature to His Father before, during, and after he came to earth
(MacArthur 254). Since men are not above women, submission serves to compliment the
man. Maturity, spirituality, and intelligence are sometimes greater in women than men.
Submission is exercised from honor and dignity rather than from Darwin’s compromising
view. A woman submitting from an attitude of inferiority results in her being obsequious.
Authority and submission are necessary functions ordained by God in any successful
relationship (MacArthur 253). In I Peter 3:1, 7 the Bible declares that women are not
inferior. In Genesis 1:27 it states men and women are equal. Galatians 3:28 says a
women’s help is needed in every sense to her husband. Men do need the advice that
wives can give them, and the power of submission is the strongest way of showing her
love (DeMoss 147). The Bible proves the truth that women have honor and dignity even
in subordinate positions. When Darwin purports that the wife is inferior to the husband
and that she is not to provide input, or that her opinion is unimportant, he is showing that
his opinion is error compared to what the Bible teaches.
Research shows that Darwin’s beliefs were unbiblical, and that he had a negative
mentality on how women should be treated. Some feministic characteristics in today’s
world are a reaction to unbiblical thinking that was brought out in Darwin’s beliefs.
Darwin lacks Biblical standards toward women and has shown in every aspect that his
ideas were degrading. Many outcomes of his beliefs caused women not only to be treated
unjustly in the past, but also in the present, and will affect them in the future.
Darwinism and Feminism In the World Today
Most of today’s society honestly does not know how much Darwin and his
evolutionist views of women have created many feministic views in the world. Often in
today’s society these subjects are not even recognized as having a connection. Feminine
inferiority is never talked about as a real product of evolutionary belief. In the media a
person will see wives or girlfriends reacting to this by degrading men or taking over leadership in the home. A study of Darwin’s beliefs and theories about
women reveal that in every aspect his conclusions are degrading, and Biblically unsound.
There are many overall facts about Darwin’s life that contributed to his view of
women. Restricting women’s education was a strong belief among the men in the
Darwin-Wedgewood family (Desmond 252). Growing up, he, his mother, and siblings
were Unitarians (Desmond 261). The existence of hell, or a person possessing a soul was
not something he believed at all. Yet, he did believe in the existence of God (Desmond
271). Darwin’s view on religious matters were shaped by blaming God for his mothers
death when he was young, and his daughters death when she was ten years old (Bergman
8). On January 29th, 1839 he married his first cousin, Emma Wedgewood. Darwin’s wife
was raised in an Anglican background which was the opposite of his beliefs (Desmond
256). Emma seemed to be a Christian and believed in the literal creation account. Emma
found her strength and comfort in God and the Scriptures when her closest sister died.
Emma appealed to Darwin in a letter asking him to read chapters thirteen through twenty-
one in the book of John, because she felt that her religion did not really matter to him
(Desmond 270). Later on, because of his strenuous studies, Darwin often became sick
and Emma was left to care for him. She committed to love Charles by ministering to his
daily needs, and praying for him. Emma served him for the rest of his life loving him yet
they never ultimately came to an agreement on the reality of eternal life (Desmond 361).
Darwin did not respect Gods sovereignty, or His Word. These views contributed his low
opinion of women.
Many of Darwin’s statements reveal his attitudes toward women. Darwin believed
the physical and mental abilities of men were more competent than women (Darwin 306).
He reasoned this because he observed that the female brain was smaller than the male
brain (Bergman 4). Darwin believed that the size of the brain depended on the size of the
body. Since males generally are larger than women, the male’s brain therefore, would
have stronger mental capacities (Bergman 4). Darwin viewed wives incapable of being an
intellectual partner. Keeping him company when there was no other work to do or
providing him pleasure was her role (Bergman 2). Before Darwin married, he made a
statement saying, that he would not enjoy being married because then he would be
obligated to go walking with his wife, which he saw as a waste of time since it would
distract him from other important matters. Darwin believed that having a wife was to
possess something a little better than a dog (Desmond 257). A woman’s purpose to
Darwin was to subordinate to men from the premise of their inferiority.
The Bible has an entirely different view of women! In the Bible, “Christ is the
head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ”
(1 Corinthians 11:3). The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ serves as a paradigm for giving
women dignity and honor, demonstrating subordination from that platform. For example,
Christ came to earth, became a man and was willing to submit to his heavenly Father in
order to redeem mankind (MacArthur 253). Even when Christ came to earth in the form
of a man, He was equal in nature to His Father before, during, and after he came to earth
(MacArthur 254). Since men are not above women, submission serves to compliment the
man. Maturity, spirituality, and intelligence are sometimes greater in women than men.
Submission is exercised from honor and dignity rather than from Darwin’s compromising
view. A woman submitting from an attitude of inferiority results in her being obsequious.
Authority and submission are necessary functions ordained by God in any successful
relationship (MacArthur 253). In I Peter 3:1, 7 the Bible declares that women are not
inferior. In Genesis 1:27 it states men and women are equal. Galatians 3:28 says a
women’s help is needed in every sense to her husband. Men do need the advice that
wives can give them, and the power of submission is the strongest way of showing her
love (DeMoss 147). The Bible proves the truth that women have honor and dignity even
in subordinate positions. When Darwin purports that the wife is inferior to the husband
and that she is not to provide input, or that her opinion is unimportant, he is showing that
his opinion is error compared to what the Bible teaches.
Research shows that Darwin’s beliefs were unbiblical, and that he had a negative
mentality on how women should be treated. Some feministic characteristics in today’s
world are a reaction to unbiblical thinking that was brought out in Darwin’s beliefs.
Darwin lacks Biblical standards toward women and has shown in every aspect that his
ideas were degrading. Many outcomes of his beliefs caused women not only to be treated
unjustly in the past, but also in the present, and will affect them in the future.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Last volleyball practice...sniff....
As you can tell my the title today was the last volleyball practice unless we make it to the playoffs and we might if we win our last game tomorrow against masters touch! We will KILL!!!!!!!!!! hehe...*cough* anyways by the way i cant stand not knowing who comments so whoever comments anonymously just to let you know i cant stand it lol not that i hate you or anything but its a very good way to bug the tar out of me! ;) but this does not mean that ALLLLL of you start doing this because then i would start tearing my hair out...and i dont want to do that!=] I got a chance to witness to a librarian about evolution verses creation today which was exiting! i was checking out some books about Darwinism and she asked me why i needed them so i told her about my paper and some of darwins opinions and she was very suprised but i didnt have time to go any further into the gospel which was sad so we should pray that what i say would pique her curiosity to look into christianity more. Well i need to go! bbye!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
I love the song by Jason Aldean called why hehe...i know thats a random way to start a blog but the people who know me best know that's that way i am;) We won our volleyball game on Friday which was AWESOME! I had soo much fun in the game it was a blast. Then ummm today we went to the Lake goodwin Community club and checked it out so i knew what all it looked like and what we needed to get so that was nice. Now i just have bunches of HW that i have to do because my teachers sorta compiled it all this weekend! Goodness i think they wanted the kids to do nothing this weekend so they decided to give enough homework to drown you=] but anyways i g2g hope yo uall have had a great week! bye!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Cute Kid Quotes
HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY (written by kids) :
You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like
sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep
chips and dip coming.
-- Alan, age 10
No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to
marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later
you're stuck with.
-- Kristen, age 10
Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by
-- Camille, age 10
No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get
-- Freddie, age 6 (very wise for his age)
You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at
the same kids.
-- Derrick, age 8
Both don't want any more kids.
-- Lori, age 8
Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know
each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long
-- Lynnette, age 8 (isn't she a treasure)
On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that Usually
them interested enough to go for a second date.
-- Martin, age 10
I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the
newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in the dead columns.
-- Craig, age 9
When they're rich.
-- Pam, age 7
The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with
- - Curt, age 7
The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry
them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do.
-- Howard, age 8
It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need
to clean up after them.
-- Anita, age 9 (bless you child)
There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there?
-- Kelvin, age 8
And the #1 Favourite is........
Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck.
-- Ricky, age 10
You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like
sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep
chips and dip coming.
-- Alan, age 10
No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to
marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later
you're stuck with.
-- Kristen, age 10
Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by
-- Camille, age 10
No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get
-- Freddie, age 6 (very wise for his age)
You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at
the same kids.
-- Derrick, age 8
Both don't want any more kids.
-- Lori, age 8
Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know
each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long
-- Lynnette, age 8 (isn't she a treasure)
On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that Usually
them interested enough to go for a second date.
-- Martin, age 10
I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the
newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in the dead columns.
-- Craig, age 9
When they're rich.
-- Pam, age 7
The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with
- - Curt, age 7
The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry
them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do.
-- Howard, age 8
It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need
to clean up after them.
-- Anita, age 9 (bless you child)
There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there?
-- Kelvin, age 8
And the #1 Favourite is........
Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck.
-- Ricky, age 10
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Weekend again....!
Its finally the weekend again! NOthing too exiting happened this weekend. I cant remember if i already put that we won volleyball game this weekend and it was the first game won in two years!!! That was awesome! And then last night we played a really hard team and it was really tough...So we lost...That wasnt too fun..Ive got so much homework this weekend which is exiting lol JK! I actually got to sleep in today!!! ITHats was weird after going all week without really sleeping. well, i g2g ill ttyl!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Good news everyone!!!! I SURVIVED THrough my MATH TEST!!!!!!!! I was suprised but i guess i wont really know if im alive until i get my grade for it lol. Umm today because im tired i had problems with volleyball and my team lol but if you want to know that story you'll have to ask me that question in person its one of those stories that needs to be narrated=] Well umm i think that was all... sorry this is so short!!! ill write more later hopefully! bbye!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
I CANT BELIEVE ITS SATURDAY!!! It seems hard to believe and weird..but alas! It shall be over soon and there will be no more weekend just my geometry test staring at me from my school desk...Which isnt too...exiting..especially when you dwell on it..;)its sorta discouraging...While were on the note of being discouraging i've decided to start writing poetry idk how good it is so feedback would be awesome! I have this first one that i did on friday...
"The rain fell down quetly,
Who knew when it would end,
Slower and slower touching earth softly,
Slowly cleansing whatever it could mend,
Suddenly and beautifully the sun rose loftly,
Sending rays to all it would lend,
Until the day ended sweetly."
Then i have this awesomely depressing one that i havent titled yet..
"With pain and remorse I pen these words…
Love is not to be,
Because the difficulties in life,
Have become too extreme,
When did love not cover a multitude of problems?
Could it be that love does not yet exist,
For those “too young” to know what it truly is..?"
Im still working on editing that one because there are a few things i dont like about it that i need to change but yah ill probobly put the finalized version on here sometime in my span of life :D So anyways now to talk about life...I had a volleyball game last night against Masters Touch and coach played me!!!! I was sooo happy!! yah but i made a few mistakes but i will work on them and hoepfully they will go away. SADLY we lost...BUT we will hopefully win some by the end of this season. Our team just has too fight harder for VICTORY!!! Then today was nice and depressing because the weather was aweful and we were supposed to have a car wash for Banquet but it ended up not working out which is very sad...I think thats all today so hope you all have a awesome weekend! bye!
"The rain fell down quetly,
Who knew when it would end,
Slower and slower touching earth softly,
Slowly cleansing whatever it could mend,
Suddenly and beautifully the sun rose loftly,
Sending rays to all it would lend,
Until the day ended sweetly."
Then i have this awesomely depressing one that i havent titled yet..
"With pain and remorse I pen these words…
Love is not to be,
Because the difficulties in life,
Have become too extreme,
When did love not cover a multitude of problems?
Could it be that love does not yet exist,
For those “too young” to know what it truly is..?"
Im still working on editing that one because there are a few things i dont like about it that i need to change but yah ill probobly put the finalized version on here sometime in my span of life :D So anyways now to talk about life...I had a volleyball game last night against Masters Touch and coach played me!!!! I was sooo happy!! yah but i made a few mistakes but i will work on them and hoepfully they will go away. SADLY we lost...BUT we will hopefully win some by the end of this season. Our team just has too fight harder for VICTORY!!! Then today was nice and depressing because the weather was aweful and we were supposed to have a car wash for Banquet but it ended up not working out which is very sad...I think thats all today so hope you all have a awesome weekend! bye!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Hey Everyone!! Im going to start blogging again!!! YAY!!! so yah ummm ill be doing it whenever i am free...Which isnt much...but yah so that way you all know all about my life and school life...lol all my interesting school stories like starting with my nickname being "mommy or mother" lol but thats for another day all my talks from teachers and getting in trouble...thats always fun too...like getting talked to by my teacher 3 times in the last two weeks...Yah thats great...always incouraging....so anyways i hope people still read this!!!! if you dont then *sniff* im injured and hopefully my next blog will be grammaticly correct and puctuated BUT dont count on it. Im tired so when that happens my brain sorta flies out the window ;D anyways ill be blogging later!! bye!!!
-ummmmmm whatever i am
-ummmmmm whatever i am
Friday, January 13, 2006
Hey everone!
Hey everone! I just relized thats its almost been a whole month since i wrote on my blog! I am so sorry! I have been way to busy! Well...sorta=] Just a few things that have been new i was able to come back to homeschool choir and band! Yay!1 so its fun seeing all my friends expecially elea! I missed her alot=] Last night i bought my tickets to Greenville South carolina for when i go in March with Amy! I am going to be going for almost two weeks so yah about 10 days i guess would be the amount. I am going to visit Bob Jones academy while i am there to see if i want to go there my senior year of HS...Which should be fun! Amy and I ended up getting a red eye flight with a 2 hr layover in North carolina at 3.00 in the morning...So we wont be getting a lot of sleep thats for sure! We will have to play lots of card games i guess=] We will be leaving on the 18 of march at 10.30 i think. It should be fun! I cant wait to see Neil,Keith, and Leann I miss them a lot! Well i cant think of anything else to say hope you all have a good week!
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