Thursday, October 26, 2006

Last volleyball practice...sniff....

As you can tell my the title today was the last volleyball practice unless we make it to the playoffs and we might if we win our last game tomorrow against masters touch! We will KILL!!!!!!!!!! hehe...*cough* anyways by the way i cant stand not knowing who comments so whoever comments anonymously just to let you know i cant stand it lol not that i hate you or anything but its a very good way to bug the tar out of me! ;) but this does not mean that ALLLLL of you start doing this because then i would start tearing my hair out...and i dont want to do that!=] I got a chance to witness to a librarian about evolution verses creation today which was exiting! i was checking out some books about Darwinism and she asked me why i needed them so i told her about my paper and some of darwins opinions and she was very suprised but i didnt have time to go any further into the gospel which was sad so we should pray that what i say would pique her curiosity to look into christianity more. Well i need to go! bbye!

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