Saturday, July 09, 2011

I always feel better after blogging :D (Lemon Poppyseed Cake and Tandori Chicken)

Whew, I can't believe it has been so long since I have written on my blog! I am so sorry to all my readers. Life has been super busy :)

Yesterday I got to make 2 Lemon Poppyseed cakes, and one was with Buttercream icing and the other with Cream Cheese/buttercream icing. One was for my friends partyy at Jasleen's and the other was for Megan Timmerman's.

This website is where I got the recipe from, and I ran into the same problem that this author did with the cream cheese icing. The first cake I made I froze the layers, and made a buttercream. That cake worked the best. The second cake I did not freeze the layers and used Cream Cheese icing, and it caused the cake to tear apart. Therefore I would reccoment just making buttercream and not cream cheese icing with this cake. :) But whatever floats your boat!

Oh, and I give all photo credit to this blogger chick....I don't think her photos are copyrighted....:/ If yes, oh well! Hope she doesn't sue :D

I got to go to a beautiful wedding today! Congratulations Mary and Sam! :) I know that both of you are going to have a wonderful life together, and i'm so grateful for the privelege of being able to help out a little with the wedding this morning. :)

Last night, I had an awesome girls party at Jasleen's house and we got to do Henna! For those of you who do not know what Henna is,

Here is a picture....

Granted, this is not as elaborate as I got on my hands last night, but Jasleen did a pretty amazing job on my palm and foot :) I definetely want to do Henna again. It is an Indian tradition for their weddings and the history of it is fascinating.

Here is a Wiki Link about it.

This last week has had its up's and down's for me. I started an awesome job, and Thursday I had the chance to be (sort of) a personal assistant to my boss (Andee) who was organizing a wedding rehearsal dinner, and I learned so much! It was really wonderful, she is an amazing organizer and I learned so many good tips on putting together events. Also she kept herself so level headed and it was a wonderful challenge to me to always be level headed in situations. :) So AweSome :) I know that personally I would really like to plan events and I am thinking that it would be a fun side-job for me.

Tonight at the Timmerman's we are having Tandori Chicken! It's going to be amazing :) I would recommend you all to get off the computer after reading this blog and go make it!

Amen :)

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